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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day 7 - And on the 7th day....Stephen did Laundry

I originally planned to travel down to Sydney today but instead decided to stay close to home and do some laundry, go to the grocery, pay some bills, relax and plan my trip for tomorrow.  So that's just what I did. :-)

So in the absence of any sight-seeing/travel information to post today I thought I would take an opportunity to post some general Australian information that I have seen or heard over the past week. Some of this I knew prior to coming to AU but some of it may be new to it was to me.

So you probably remember the Foster's "How to Speak Australian" commercials in the US....well, here's a few sayings I've heard over the past few days:

Boot = Car Trunk (as in "Put the shopping bags in the boot")
Chemist = Pharmacy
Rubbish Bin = Garbage Can
Sunnies = Sunglasses
Thongs = Flip-flops (all together different meaning in the US, ha ha)
Trolley = Shopping cart
Oz = What Australian's call Australia

Also, Here are a couple of interesting Oz Burger King restaurants are called Hungry Jack's (Hungry Jack'sWiki).  This is due to the name Burger King already being trademarked when the Burger King franchise came to AU.   

And for those who remember the old Woolworths five-and-dime in the US, well Woolworths in AU is a Supermarket chain (completely different store) and they call it "Woolie's".  :-) 

Lastly, you know in the US if you get into an accident you take your car to a body shop?  Well in AU you take it to a "Smash" shop,,,,

These are just a few of the things that I seen/heard over the past week that I thought I would share....I'm sure there will be more.  :-)

So we're off to Sydney tomorrow.  Be sure to tune in to see how it goes.


Unknown said...

Smash shop is much better! Great post. 😊

Rick and Pat @515 said...

We're loving sharing this adventure with you Stephen! Hope public transportation treats you better when you go to Sydney! We just arrived home from Southwest Florida and already are missing the 70+ degree weather. Have fun!

Rick and Pat @515